Create massive game worlds with Unity’s Entity Component System (ECS)
Unityの新しいECS(Entity Component System)は、秒間60フレームで実行される数百万のオブジェクトをシーン内で処理できるようにします。
A peek at the new Visual Effect Graph, CineCast, our first sample game, and more from Unite Los Angeles – Unity Blog
Job System & ECS – Unity
4.5M Mesh renderers
200K Unique objects per building
100K Individual audio sources
5K Dynamic vehicles
60 FPSMega City is a project built on our preview data oriented design tech alongside tons of optimizations we're aiming to bring to Unity in 2019. pic.twitter.com/qIzlXlCJ2h
— Unity for Games (@unitygames) October 24, 2018