Blenderビューポート上でリアルタイムPBR(Physically based rendering)を可能にした独自ビルドバージョン!「Blender PBR viewport Branch v0.4」が公開されております。
※2016/06/07 – “アドオン”という記載をしておりましたが、正しくは”独自ビルドを行った別バージョン”との事でした。記事全体を修正してます。ご指摘いただいた方々、ありがとうございました。
Blender PBR viewport Branch v0.4
PBR viewport Branch V0.4 – 06/06/2016
- Oren-nayar Diffuse (Env lighting)
- Velvet Shader (Env lighting + Point lights)
- Toon Shader (Env lighting + Point lights)
- Ashikhmin & Beckmann distributions for isotropic and anisotropic
- Closest Filtering for Texture node
- Material layer overide but only for material. So you can preview one material on every
- objects without assigning it to each object.
- Linearly Transformed Cosines to shade Area lights with the Glossy GGX (other
- distributions use the same LUT)
- Material AO to apply occlusion during the shading stage an not at the post process stage.
- Algorithm is slow but correct (matches cycles)
- Screen Space Reflections for Sharp Glossy shader. Algorithm is from Morgan McGuire
- blog and the step is always 1px so reflections can’t go far.
- Backface buffer to improve screen space effects.
- Bias parameter to control the accuracy of the Environment Sampling.
- Performance : Use a jitter texture + a sample texture to generate sampling random vectors instead of computing everything inside the shader. (this takes 2 texture slots though)
- Performance : Lights shadowing (and lamp nodetree) are evaluated only once per Material.
- Codebase Change : major thing I did is not using the common uniform interface for passing uniforms related to the sampling and PBR. I also splited the glsl files into more managable ones.
cycles renderとの比較も遜色無い感じですね。