Skyshop 104
「Marmoset Toolbag」のUnityバージョンである
Marmoset SkyshopのVer.104がリリース!

Skyshop 1.04
New Features:
- Skyshop now requires Unity 4.2+
- New Shader #defines
- Ambient Occlusion Map
- Diffuse IBL occlusion in red channel
- Specular IBL occlusion in green channel
- Uses secondary UV set (texcoord1)
- Enabled in shaders with #define MARMO_OCCLUSION
- Vertex Colors
- Vertex color can modify diffuse color
- Enabled with #define MARMO_VERTEX_COLOR
- Vertex Occlusion
- Vertex color can occlude image-based lighting
- Diffuse & specular IBL can be occluded separately using R & G channels
- Enabled with #define MARMO_VERTEX_OCCLUSION
- Terrain Shaders
- Simple terrain shader + IBL
- Advanced Terrain shader
- Per-layer specular maps & controls
- Base normalmap (covers entire terrain)
- Base diffuse & AO map
- Diffuse & specular fresnel
- Optimized distant terrain shaders
- Usable on non-terrain meshes
- Vegetation Shaders
- Waving grass shader
- Detail mesh shaders
- Soft Occlusion tree shaders
- Tree Creator shaders
- Detail & grass shaders replaced automatically
- Vertex-lit Shaders
- Super-fast
- Shader-Model 2.0
- Vertex-Lit diffuse + IBL
- Vertex-Lit diffuse + diffuse & specular IBL
- Vertex-Lit diffuse + AO + diffuse & specular IBL
- New Sky-dome Shader – use HDR skybox on geometry
- Combined Diffuse & Specular Texture
- Diffuse & specular maps sampled from same texture
- Diffuse color in RGB, Alpha used as both specular mask & gloss
- Used by Marmoset/Vertex Lit/ and Marmoset/Mobile/…Fast IBL shaders
- Mobile
- Mipmap gloss support for iOS, hazaa!
- Mipmap gloss support for Android (device must support shader_texture_lod openGL ext)
- Added Specular Fast & Bumped Specular Fast shaders w/ extreme mobile optimizations
- Improved Android support w/ fallbacks for mipmap gloss failure
- Improved fast fresnel approximation on mobile
- Lightmapping
- Full directional lightmap support
- Specular & gloss maps now affect dir lightmapped specular
- Added Lightmapped Diffuse & Lightmapped Specular Multiplier sliders
- Weights how much IBL is used on lightmapped surfaces
- Menu Items
- Edit -> Skyshop -> Refresh Scene Skies
- Updates color-space on all skies in the scene
- Applies a sky if none are active (everything is black problem)
- Edit -> Skyshop -> Upgrade Scene Skies
- Converts all skies in the scene to use the latest Skyshop features
- Part of namespaced scripting fix
- Edit -> Skyshop -> Convert Scene to Mobile/Standard
- Goes through all materials referenced in the current scene
- Replaces all uses of standard Marmoset shaders with Marmoset Mobile ones (or vice versa)
- Edit -> Skyshop -> Convert Project to Mobile/Standard
- Goes through all material assets in the entire project
- Replaces all uses of standard Marmoset shaders with Marmoset Mobile ones (or vice versa)
- Edit -> Terrain -> Import/Export Splatmap
- Saves and loads PNG images as weight maps for terrain texture layers
- Useful for working with external terrain generation tools
Bug Fixes:
- Proper namespacing in scripts to prevent conflicts with third-party code
- Fixed deferred, Specular IBL fresnel bug
- Fixed Mobile Specular IBL shadow bug
- Fixed transparency + fog bug
- Fixed Simple Glass diffuse bug
- Changed skybox texture coords to float3 for consoles
- MarmosetCore now knows about MarmosetInput globals
- Substance specular maps now work with Marmoset shaders (fixed in Substance)
- Fixed an Android “everything is black” bug (hlsl2glsl hates _ variable prefix)
- DIRECT_DIFFUSE & DIRECT_SPECULAR properly separated from IBL, can actually be toggled now.